Good day, let me introduce myself. I am a thirty something professional with a wife,
kids, mortgage and a nine to five job. Well, it's meant to be nine to five if not for the
deadlines, performance targets, my boss's idiosyncratic moods... but I am getting
sidetracked. After all, this story isn't just about me. It is also about another man, let's call
him Steve. Steve lives in a ramshackle hut with leaking roof and broken windows. He
doesn't have a job and spends most of his time on the couch watching TV with a stubby
in his hand. When he is not drunk, he is on drugs, or at the pub, or explaining his latest
misdemeanor to a Magistrate. The problem is, for reasons I don't understand the
Government likes Steve much more then me. Let me explain. I work hard paying the
mortgage, bills and school fees but every year at tax time I get a shock realizing just how
much of my hard-earned money the Government has taken away. And not a small
amount of that money seems to end up in Steve's pocket. Since he doesn't work, he gets
the unemployment benefits, rent assistance, free doctors' visits and cheap public transport
tickets. Whenever he gets in trouble with the law, the Government helpfully offers him a
lawyer, a social worker and a councilor, all free of charge of course. If during one of his
drunken escapades Steve were to sire a unwanted child in whose life he will take no
interest, the Government will kindly step in with free childcare, schooling and parenting
payments. At no point in all this will Steve be asked to grow up, start acting like an adult
and take responsibility for himself. Which brings me to the following request: Dear
Government, I don't know what I have done to offend you and why you treat me so
poorly. I also don't know what it is Steve has done to get into your good books, but
please, please forgive me for whatever it is I have done and let's start afresh. Surely
whatever it is Steve is doing for you, I could do too.
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